Learn InterpretMe
Understand the goals and features of InterpretMe. Learn the challenges and opportunities related to interpreting social media content.
What is InterpretMe?
InterpretMe - is a learning simulation that trains reporting professionals to recognise the influence of racial stereotyping, personal bias, and generate awareness on hyper local context in interpretation of social media posts by people.
InterpretMe promotes self-reflection amongst media professionals and offers a community-centred approach for interpreting social media posts. Together we can prevent bias and harm against vulnerable communities.
Make every step user - centric
We conduct user research to understand the needs and pain points of our users. We then regularly solicit feedback to ensure that the product or service meets their needs.
We humanize social media content interpretation to reduce wrongful punishment
InterpretMe is a web tool to humanise the social media content interpretation process to reduce social media-based wrong punitive action against historically marginalised communities and minimise negative digital footprints.
We provide interactive learning experiences that address issues of bias in social media surveillance.
These learning experiences are designed to be engaging and informative, and may include activities such as case studies, Audio and video-based simulation, and discussions with experts and community members.
Support a broader understanding and a fairer response to the complex dynamics of social media communication
Our goal is to support a broader understanding to the complex dynamics of social media communication, particularly surrounding issues of violence and inequitable punitive profiling.
Who it’s for
Our web tool is intended for social media users who are interested in learning and interpreting social media content related to human rights and social justice issues.
We help educators understand and interpret social media content in a way that promotes human rights and social justice, reducing the risk of wrong punitive action and minimizing negative digital footprints.
We help law enforcement interpret social media content, reducing the risk of wrong punitive action and minimizing negative digital footprints.
We provide journalists with a more nuanced and accurate understanding of social media content, enabling them to report on sensitive issues with greater empathy and awareness.
Let’s get started to build your future
Join the conversation and learn how to interpret social media content with fairness and accuracy on InterpretMe.